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Supported Timestamp Formats
Supported Timestamp Formats
Updated over a month ago

The following date and time formats are recognized by Canvs AI as valid timestamp fields. Each format is accompanied by the corresponding Excel-style format type, which can be used to define how the date is interpreted and displayed.

Standard Date Formats

Format Type


Excel Format Code




Month DD YYYY (Short Month)

"Jan 09 2024"

mmm dd yyyy

MM/DD/YYYY (U.S. Standard)



YYYY/MM/DD (Alternative ISO)



Full Month Name

"January 9, 2024"

mmmm d, yyyy

DD-Mon-YYYY (Day-Month Abbreviation-Year)



Date & Time Formats

Format Type


Excel Format Code

ISO Format with Time



Date with Time (Space Separated)

"2024-01-09 12:00:00"

yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Additional Considerations

  • Dates with Surrounding Whitespace β†’ " 2024-01-09 "
    (Canvs AI will trim unnecessary spaces before processing)

  • If a column contains an invalid timestamp value, you will be prompted to either filter out the invalid entries or select another column. For more details, refer to the How to Select a Timestamp Field During Dataset Import article.

Best Practices for Timestamp Selection

  • Ensure that your timestamp values are formatted consistently within a column.

  • Avoid mixing formats in the same column, as this may lead to import errors.

  • If your dataset includes multiple timestamp columns, select the one most relevant for your analysis.

By using these supported formats, you can ensure a seamless import process and fully leverage the timeline view in Canvs AI.

Would you like additional format support? Let us know! πŸš€

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