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Decipher Integration
Decipher Integration
Updated over 5 months ago

In Canvs, you will begin by clicking Upload Data on Canvs AI Page, through our "Import Data" option.

Next, click Deciper

Next, you will be asked to enter your API Credentials. Enter in your Datacenter ID and your Token. Click on Show my Surveys afterward.

  • Note: This step will be skipped if your Decipher credentials are already saved to your profile.

You will be presented with a drop-down of your available Decipher datasets.

Select the dataset which you want to Upload into Canvs. You will also be able to see the # of Open Ends the file has as well as the Date Created. Click on Import.

You will then go through the Usual Upload process with your imported Decipher file.

Note, some fields are specifically ignored, including email address, IP address, Geo location, and similar as Canvs looks to avoid PII that isn't necessary for processing or storage.

You can schedule your Decipher data as well. For this purpose we have introduced a “Schedule” tab in the uploader steps.

On the "Schedule" tab, by selecting the “One-time survey” option, you will be able to make an upload exactly the same way as you are doing currently. Nothing change.

However, If you select the “Tracking study” option, then you need to configure your collections from Decipher.

Section Details:

  • Set the “Time Frame” by selecting the start date and end date for which you want to schedule your data. Note: Start date is by default set as survey creation date. You can change it according to your convenience

    • If you don’t have an official “End date” for your scheduled tracking (meaning you will be importing data indefinitely)

  • Selecting the “End date” will set the last day the data will be collected.

  • Set the “frequency” you'd like to collect data (how often you'd like Canvs to import new data) . We have following Scheduling Options available:

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

Note: Scheduled data imports are collected and processed every night at 12AM and will be available by 8AM on the day of the scheduled import.

  • If you wish to manage your 'Canvs Credit' usage mindfully, you have the option to establish a daily upper limit on the number of credits consumed. However, if you prefer not to set any restrictions, simply select 'No cap.' The decision is entirely yours.

To learn more about the Cansv AI business Model process, read here.

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