Import data quickly into Canvs AI with our step by step data import walkthrough.
Importing a File via Manual Upload
To import a file, start by clicking on the Canvs AI button on your menu bar, then "Import Data". This will present the available options for uploading your data:
From My Computer: Upload an Excel or .CSV file from your Computer
Click "From My Computer" to open the Canvs AI Uploader.
Drag and drop the file onto the screen or click Browse Files to select the file from your computer.
Note: Canvs AI supports both Excel files (.xlsx and .xls) and CSVs and both single or multi-tab spreadsheets.
When there is one tab, the uploader will support one question per column or multiple questions per column.
When using a spreadsheet with more than one tab, the uploader will support one Open Ended question per tab when creating a single dataset.
This is an example of a supported format with one tab:
This is an example of a supported format with multiple tabs:
This is an example of a supported format with stacked rows as questions in one column:
If you have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs, the system will ask whether your spreadsheet has Tabs as Questions or Columns as Questions. Likewise, if your spreadsheet has multiple Rows as Questions in a Column, you will be provided that option as well. Select whichever is applicable to your spreadsheet.
Importing Multiple Spreadsheet Tabs
If your spreadsheet has more than one tab, you can select which tabs to include in Canvs' analysis by clicking them one by one. Alternatively, you can choose to select them all. Canvs assumes that each tab is a separate question if you import your datasets this way.
Uploading Multiple Datasets from one Spreadsheet (Splitting)
If you select Columns as Questions or Rows as Questions, you have the option of splitting your file into multiple Waves or Projects in the Advanced Options section.
Select File contains multiple Waves if your file contains multiple Waves for one project (e.g. a Tracker)
Select File contains multiple Projects if your file contains data for more than one Project.
Select neither option if you do not want to split your file
You'll be able to choose the field that you'd like to split into multiple datasets in the Waves or Project Step later on. This feature is also useful when you have questions of completely different subject matter in a single column.
Select the Header
The system will then walk you through a quick process to identify the header of your data. This step allows you to identify the questions and filters that you want to be imported into Canvs.
If you have multiple tabs with a header in the same place, you can check Apply row header to all remaining tabs.
Select the Wave or Project field (Splitting)
If you opted to Split your File via Advanced Options, you will be prompted to select the Column that contains the values you'd like to split by.
If you selected File contains multiple Waves, select the column in the Waves step. Here, you can also rename your Waves on the left panel (or you can do this later in the Details step).
Alternatively, if you selected File contains multiple Projects, select the column in the Projects step. Here, you can also rename your Projects on the left panel (or you can do this later in the Details step).
Identify the Question You Want Canvs to Analyze
Next, help Canvs identify the location of the verbatim response that you want to analyze. Click through and identify the location of all of the verbatim responses in your dataset.
If the Open Ended question column is in the same place on multiple tabs, select Apply the selected Text Column to all remaining tabs.
Adding Filters to Your Analysis
Data that is not an Open Ended question can be added as a Filter. Filters allow you to slice and dice your data when you are analyzing it. Select all the data points that you would like to include as filters, then click Next.
Note: Columns containing unique IDs can be imported as Keys. Key columns are not displayed in the dashboard but are included in XLSX exports in the same way as in the imported spreadsheet.
Canvs will automatically mark columns as Keys if they contain the same number of unique values as there are verbatims.
A maximum of 50 Filters and 10 Keys are allowed in one upload.
Details Options
Choose the Rules you’d like to customize your Summary with, turn on Translations, and/or add your data as a Wave to an Existing Project. Canvs’ AI considers your project’s metadata when summarizing and answering questions. This includes your Dataset Name, Description, Industry, Type, and Question Names
Each time a dataset is processed, Canvs produces an AI-Powered Summary that groups together similar verbatims into Codes (based on topics, emotions, and themes), and organizes those Codes into categorical Nets.
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Management and Sharing
During the import process, you will be prompted to choose team members to share Email Notifications with. Please note, this feature is available for Manual Uploads and Scheduled Social Imports.
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Final Review and Submission
Once you've named your dataset and added the details, you will be taken to a final review page where you can correct any mistakes or make any final changes. Once you have reviewed, click Submit.
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You will see a screen that lets you know your import was successful. It will also tell you how many verbatim responses will be processed, as well as an estimate of how long it will take for the analysis to be complete. You'll also see information about any verbatims that were not processed due to blank responses.
Note: You will receive an email confirmation when the dataset has finished processing. In the mean-time, you will see your Data set on a "Pending" yellow status.
Happy Uploading!